Learn and Grow Series (Recordings)

If you are hoping to purchase this for a group rate, please review the group pricing structure on the website and email addyson directly. This form is *ONLY for individual purchase & access.

Rates are based on an economic justice tiered model with equity pricing options. Pre-recorded Learn & Grow discussions include access to the video with captions (zoom), as well as the slides and any resources shared.

Individual Rates for Learn & Grow Series
Tier A: Supporter (Standard + Partial Sponsor - $100)
This rate supports colleagues that cannot financially manage the standard rates.
Tier B: Sustainer (Standard Cost - $75)
Actual cost of this webinar & included resources)
Tier C: Community (Discount supported by colleagues - $50)
For providers who are primarily serving marginalized communities, community mental health settings, paying the standard rate would create hardship, etc)

*Note: If the Tier C rate remains unaffordable for you, please contact addyson directly to let them know. Equity spots are available for pay what you can pricing, or addyson can also suggest other similar trainings that are lower cost and/or free of charge.

Return to this form again or share via this link: http://whpsych.2.vu/learn-grow-access


Payer Details

Which Learn & Grow offerings would you like to receive the recording, slides, and resources for? Discount for 2+ selections, based on economic justice tiered model *

Please select any/all that you'd like to purchase and indicate your payment above accordingly.

Please confirm: *

If you have questions and/or do not consent to any of the above, please do not complete your form and instead reach out to addyson@wholeheartedpsych.com to discuss further.

First Name *

The name you'd like me to use for you:

Last Name *

If uncomfortable sharing last name, first letter of last name is OK, too.


I use they/them pronouns. If comfortable, please share yours.

Are you 18+ years of age? *

These offerings are geared toward adults.

Which community(ies) do you belong to? (select any/all that apply) *

Geared toward trans-centering providers and 2STGNB Adults.

Would you like to receive addyson's newsletter? (http://whpsych.2.vu/newsletter) *

Optional: Newsletter every 1-2 months with resources, openings, and offerings related to racial, body, and gender liberation.