TSC Workshop (Winter-Spring 2024)

The Trans Self-Compassion Workshop Series is OPEN for REGISTRATION with a tentative start date of 1/29/24!
Note: If you already reviewed the event page on addyson’s website, the information below is the same overall, though in different format.
Commitment: This series tentatively begins on 1/29/24 and continues for 10 biweekly gatherings through 6/3/24. Workshop Dates: Winter-Spring 2024 (1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/6, 5/20, & 6/3)
Payment & Costs
You are expected to pay for the full workshop series regardless of attendance.
- Optional extended payment plan across 19 weeks instead of 10 charges.
- Economic justice tiers from $30-60/week or $10-31/week with extended payment plan. Limited pay-what-you-can equity rate spots.
- Tier A: Standard +Sponsor - $60/week (x10) billed on the date of each workshop. (OR) Extended Payment Plan for $31/week, billed 19 weeks from 1/29/24 through 6/3/24
- Tier B: Actual Cost - $45/week (x10) billed on the date of each workshop. (OR) Extended Payment Plan for $23/week, billed 19 weeks from 1/29/24 through 6/3/24
- Tier C: Discounted Rate - $30/week (x10) billed on the date of each workshop. (OR) Extended Payment Plan for $15/week, billed 19 weeks from 1/29/24 through 6/3/24
- Tier D: *Reserved & Limited Pay-What-You-Can (Equity PWYC) - up to $20/week (x10) billed on the date of each workshop. (OR) Extended Payment Plan for $10/week, billed 19 weeks from 1/29/24 through 6/3/24
**Limited # of PWYC spots available.
- Equity spots are reserved for approx 25-50% of participants (2-3 people depending on enrollment). Typically requested by those holding intersecting marginalized identities, for whom paying at Tier C would create financial hardship.
- If you do not see any Tier D available below, and/or you’d like to request a lower payment, please fill out the PWYC Request Form
- Refunds are not offered for any services rendered.

- If you need to cancel your registration, please do so by Fri, 1/26/24 so that others who are waiting can be offered a spot.
- Dr. addyson tucker (they/them) | Wholehearted Psych and Trans Self-Compassion |
- Sagen Cocklin (they/she) | Gender and Burnout Coach, thecocklincollective.com |
1. Register for FREE Pre-Workshop Gathering + Info Session
2. View & Share PDF Flyer
3. Request a PWYC rate
4. Email addyson with questions: addyson@wholeheartedpsych.com
MORE INFO on the [event page of addyson’s website] (www.wholeheartedpsych.com/tsc-workshop)
- Additional information about the following: Event flyers; Cost & Payment options; About the Commitment; Who the workshop is for; Goal of the workshop; Hybrid & lower cost alternative coming 2024; Refund policy; Recording Policy
- Can’t make it this round and want to be notified for future offerings of the TSC Workshop, including a hybrid version coming soon!? Be sure to add your email to the interest list on the event page, if you haven’t already!


Recurs every 2 weeks starting immediately

Payer Details

First Name *

(what first name should we use to refer to you? this does not need to be legal)

Last Name or Last Initial *

Please indicate your last name or the 1st initial of your last name.

What pronouns do you use?

(e.g., they/them, if comfortable sharing)

Are you 18+ years old? *


Please confirm you are community. *

2STGNB = Two-Spirit, Trans, Nonbinary under Gender Diverse 'umbrella'

How might this workshop be helpful for you? *

More info: This offering is geared toward 2STGNB adults who struggle with shame, self-worth, feeling 'not _____ enough' or 'too much,' and/or want to build self-compassion.

What comes to mind for your area of focus? *

Focus Area: We ask everyone to consider what they would like to focus on during the workshop to guide you through the content, exercises, & discussion (e.g., being trans enough, an imposter in my friend group, etc).

Confirm attendance: *

The workshop will be held biweekly for 10 gatherings for 2 hours on Mondays from 5-7PM eastern (via Zoom). DATES: 1/29/24 through 6/3/24

Rate & Payment Agreement: *

You'll be billed as discussed in the rate agreement. If you have questions and/or the rates offered are not accessible, please reach out to addyson prior to registering.

Recording Policy *

This workshop is generally NOT recorded. However, in limited circumstances, psychoeducational parts of the group may be recorded for replay. Open discussion, reflection, and breakout groups are NEVER recorded. Please read paragraph in above description for your options during recording.

Optional: Accessibility & Preferences

Please share anything that you'd like addyson & Sagen to know about your participation style, sensory or accessibility needs, etc. All offerings are hosted virtually via secure Zoom platform with captioning available. You'll receive access to any resources/slides that are shared.

Additional Questions/Concerns?

Please feel free to share any questions or concerns, email addyson@wholeheartedpsych.com, or you may request a brief phone consult to discuss your questions further. Please do not register until after I have answered any questions/concerns related to your decision about joining the workshop.

Emergency Contact *

(IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ONLY) If you were to need emergency medical assistance during the workshop, please list the name and phone number of a person that I would be able to quickly reach on your behalf. If for some reason you are unable to list a specific person, please write the address where you will be located.

Newsletter Subscribe *

addyson's Wholehearted Psych Newsletter includes occasional updates about clinical, professional, and community offerings, as well as resources and reflections consistent with liberation values. You can subscribe at http://whpsych.2.vu/newsletter